And that's what Blade II is.
Lots of butt kicking and sword fighting and gun play.
Blade, a half vampire- all the powers, none of the weaknesses- hunts vampires. The vampires are also being hunted by Reavers- the vampires' vampire. Nasty, freaky things with bifurcated jaws.
The vampires ask for help from Blade (the "enemy of my enemy..." theory) so he joins a pack of vampire hunting the Reavers.
Carnage ensues.
Wesley Snipes is pretty good as Blade, since honestly, it's not a character that needs subtlety or nuance. Kris Kristofferson is Blade's Alfred figure, Whistler, a grumpy old man- it's nice to see he's not typecast. Ron Pearlman plays Reinhardt, the leader of the vampire pack, who, prior to hunting the Reavers, had been training to hunt Blade. This was Perlman's second movie with director Guillermo del Toro, setting the stage for del Toro's Hellboy movies.
I'm not sure how I missed this in the theater, since I loved the first movie in the series. Despite the fact that I watched it on a Wednesday night, it's the perfect Saturday afternoon distraction.
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