A look at horror movies by someone who has too much time on his hands...

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I saw this one the first time a million years ago, initially because Angus Scrimm, the Tall Man from the Phantasm film series, was playing a small part. A very small part, Vladislas, king of... um... the Vampires, I guess. Though there only seem to be two others- his sons Radu- looking like a young Count Orlok- and Stefan- looking like an eighties music video star.

Radu kill Vladislas to acquire The Bloodstone, a mineral that bleeds and feeds the hunger of a vampire. Radu also sets his sights on three pretty female college students, one of whom is falling for Stefan.

There's sword fighting and lots of quaint customs, owing the fact that Subspecies was filmed in Romania. Yep, brilliant plan, not only was it a very clever economic choice, but in terms of atmosphere, it sets a mood and tone unrivaled by most Hollywood productions.

It's fun, from Full Moon Studios, it's one of the first direct to video productions done with that purpose, as opposed to features that don't get theatrical distribution and linger until video. As such, it's got a vibe that you'd find in Roger Corman or AIP movies- something that'd play best at a drive in or in a double bill.

Full Moon later did three more sequals to Subspecies, as well as a spin off, Vampire Journals.

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