A look at horror movies by someone who has too much time on his hands...

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Shiver of the Vampires

So, tonight's movie was another Jean Rollin movie, The Shiver of the Vampires.

Maybe it's just my provincial little American brain, but I don't get it. I mean, I sort of get it- it's about style, mood and tone rather than plot. I can handle that.
I'm no stranger to subtitles, so that's no problem. And I love films from the early seventies, so I've got that set. There's just something... foreign about the combination that makes me want to watch it after a couple of shots of Nyquil.

The Shiver of the Vampires is like that. A newlywed couple visits the home of the bride's cousins.

Yes, the cousins are vampires.
Yes, there's some girl/girl stuff.

Of course there is, it's that sort of movie.

I swear, I 've got to start watching these movies earlier if I'm going to survive the Euro-Erotic-Artsy ones.

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