First, for the first 25 or so minutes, there's little to no dialogue.
It's an indy artsy sci-fi horror film. A pregnant alien woman and her child are on the run.
There's a hitsquad after her. There's some martial arts action.
There's a scene with a fire-eater practicing.
A completely gratuitous naked girls scene. A sex scene.
Bagpipes! (The musical instrument, not some euphemism.)
It's like 35 minutes in... where are my vampires?
Oh, the nekkid girls are vampires.
The vampires are having an eve of the Millennium party, and it's rather like a contemporary country house mystery set up- Lord of the manor, his wife and mistress, assorted friends. Their party clothes are nice.
The alien woman shows up looking for shelter.
The hitsquad comes looking for the alien.
The vampires end up defending their house against the hitsquad.
According to the Troma guy who introduced the movie, it was Great Britain's first independent sci-fi movie. Which is funny, because British movies are good, and indy movies are good but this wasn't good. It wasn't bad, it was just... too artsy for it's own good.
Oddly, it's better than if it were an American production-there's a quality to it I have a hard time putting my finger on, maybe its utter absence of California-ness.
edit: AH! I realized what the odd quality was- it's the fact that the vampires hardly do anything vampiry, lots of "hissing" but that's about it.
I want more from my vampire films.
another edit:
Ok, the fact that the aliens speak French is pretty funny.
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