FDtD has a better script- Quentin Tarentino, also pulling acting duty-a cooler director- Robert Rodriguez- and an awesome cast- George Clooney, Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis,Fred Williamson, John Saxon, Cheech Marin, and Salma Hayek.
Clooney and Tarentino play two criminal brothers, the Geckos, on a rampage across Texas headed to a safe haven in Mexico. They encounter a family traveling by RV- Harvey Keitel as the father, a former minister who's lost his faith and Juliette Lewis as his daughter- and kidnap them.
They end up at a strip bar run by vampires. Hilarity ensues. Well, a bloodbath really. Lots of crimson.
It's a fun movie, Hollywood having a little fun- Rodriguez and Tarentino are just indulging a some creative playtime with a big budget drive in movie, with exploitation film regulars Williamson (Hell Up In Harlem, and the original The Inglorious Bastards), Saxon (Black Christmas and Cannibal Apocalypse), and Savini (the special effects mastermind behind the original Dawn of the Dead) as a wonderful present to fans of grindhouse/b-movies.