A look at horror movies by someone who has too much time on his hands...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kiss of the Vampire

After watching Kiss of the Vampire tonight, I'm ready for an a-list movie, at least a b-list one.

The flaw in the movie is it's overly ambitious. There's a vampire in love with a woman who want's to be cured of his condition; fortunately, her father is a biochemist working with an organization working toward immortality who will stop at nothing for their goal (oh, and the organization? The Illuminati); the vampire's "family" aren't as socialized as he is and they've attracted the attention of the police who bring in a vampire-killer.

All of this in just over an hour and a half.

The acting isn't bad, it's just... let's say "soap opera" caliber.
They do manage to tie all the threads together, so that's a plus.

Worth watching after you've gone through everything else.

AH-HA! moment watching the credits- This movie was filmed in Hamilton, Ohio. On some level, that explains a lot.

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