It's like... Cube. But with a vampire.
The credits are nice. And the score is pretty good.
That's about all the nice I can say.
The characters are all stereotypes- the angry streetwise black man (named Shiv- seriously), the weaselly white lawyer, the practical lesbian cop, an academic who's speciality was vampires and a disillusioned engineer. Of course they all turn on each other.
The Vampire, he's almost a joke, allegedly French, but sounding a lot like Antonio Banderas.
Conceptually, it's an interesting premise. Its biggest fault is the budget restraints- the acting isn't even that bad- it's very Little Theater but I've seen much, much worse during the project.
I wouldn't put it at the top of your list, but if you've exhausted your options, it's not the worst way to spend an hour and a half.
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