So, there's these scientists, doing experiments at the Eyes Wide Shut club. Things involving naked women and hoods and animal masks... the son of one of the scientists becomes concerned as to what might being going on. I think.
There's not much dialogue.
The score is... I don't know how to properly describe it, but it's rather like watching a sex scene in a movie set to Kronos Quartet's Black Angels.
Really, the whole thing feels like some freaky symbolist piece.
There's more dialogue later in the film, an attempt at exposition, but it doesn't help, not really. The Nude Vampire is something that works best on a visual level, stylish in the sort of way that a minor character is wearing seventies Pucci (I'm annoyed with myself that I was able to identify that, actually).
Now that I think about it, this is the sort of film that would work best while fighting a fever and drinking some high proof liquor like Chartreuse.