I mean:
1) it is a vampire movie.
2) the director of the second movie, Chris Weitz, is the grandson of the Mina from the Spanish 1932 Dracula, Lupita Tovar
3) the fourth movie(s) is being directed by Bill Condon, of Gods and Monsters and Chicago.
Twilight was everything I expected from it: a teenage vampire romance. New girl in school Bella falls for Byronic vampire classmate Edward. Her father's the sheriff and something's out there killing people. Hilarity ensues.
In terms of mechanics, it's a great movie. Score, cinematography, direction... all the nuts and bolts stuff work.
In terms of a movie aimed at teenaged girls, it's perfect. Moody prettyboy. Average everygirl- the perfect stand in for the target audience.
It isn't a BAD movie.
It was just terribly, terribly overhyped. Like Titanic.
There are worse ways to spend two hours.
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